Ueberschall Dark Guitar Tunes ELASTIK电影黑暗吉他

大小:3.41 GB

Dark Guitar Tunes 将复杂的音乐性与黑暗、原始的氛围相结合,旨在激发灵感。音乐情绪总是令人难以忘怀,又有些阴险,营造出一种反常的氛围,充满了黑暗的悬念和令人不安的刺激。

对于您的下一个大气、实验和令人不安的音乐项目,Dark Guitar Tunes 是一个完美的创意起点。

格式: 橡皮筋
类型: 电影、摇滚

Dark Guitar Tunes 将复杂的音乐性与黑暗、原始的氛围相结合,旨在激发灵感。音乐情绪总是令人难以忘怀,又有些阴险,营造出一种反常的氛围,充满了黑暗的悬念和令人不安的刺激。


该库包含 5 个巨大的构建套件。它们由 3.6 GB 的样本数据和超过 650 个单独的循环和短语构建而成。这些循环非常广泛,长度可达 30 秒甚至更长。每个套件都有多个音乐部分以及前奏和后奏部分。因此,用户有足够的空间在每个套件中制作自己独特的布置。原始速度范围为 78 到 102BPM,当然,您可以在 Elastik 强大的样本播放引擎中完全自定义音高和速度。


原声吉他、电吉他和失真吉他是特色乐器。许多情况下都提供了麦克风和 DI 版本,因此您可以根据需要添加自己选择的吉他处理。演奏和表演精致、古怪且有点实验性,赋予图书馆独特的音乐特色。

其他乐器包括电贝司(也有 DI 版本)、原声和电钢琴、合成器和各种音效。对于鼓,声音深沉而有力。为所有音乐部分提供了一个预混的鼓循环,但您还可以为每个鼓组作品获得一套全面的循环,包括底鼓(内部和外部麦克风)、军鼓(顶部和底部)、电子军鼓、踩镲、钹、汤姆斯,房间和开销。因此,您可以灵活地创建自己的自定义鼓混音


该库非常适合希望超越传统的词曲作者或制作人,或者希望创建基于吉他的渐进式配乐的媒体作曲家。对于您的下一个大气、实验和令人不安的音乐项目,Dark Guitar Tunes 是一个完美的创意起点。



Elastik 功能

Elastik 播放器是现代音乐制作的完美插件。ReTune 算法允许以最高质量更改任何音调循环的调和音阶。所有库都组织在同一个浏览器中,并且可以相互混合和匹配。Dark Guitar Tunes 中的所有循环都标有音调和速度信息,使快速搜索和即时歌曲整合变得非常容易。

Elastic Soundbank for Mac & Win - AU / VST / AAX / StandAlone
3.6 GB,5 个构建套件,657 个电影循环和短语

Cinematic Guitar Progression. For music, film, TV, advert, radio or online productions.

Dark Guitar Tunes
Cinematic Progression
Combining a sophisticated musicality with a dark, raw, atmosphere, Dark Guitar Tunes is built to inspire. Always haunting and somewhat sinister, the musical moods deliver a dystopic atmosphere, full of dark suspense and unnerving thrills.

For your next atmospheric, experimental and unsettling musical project, Dark Guitar Tunes is a perfect creative starting point.

GENRE: Cinematic, Rock

Dark Guitar Tunes
Combining a sophisticated musicality with a dark, raw, atmosphere, Dark Guitar Tunes is built to inspire. Always haunting and somewhat sinister, the musical moods deliver a dystopic atmosphere, full of dark suspense and unnerving thrills.

Experimental And Sophisticated Guitar Performances

The library contains 5 huge construction kits. These are built from 3.6 GB of sample data and over 650 individual loops and phrases. These loops are very extensive with a length of up to 30 seconds and more. Each kit features multiple musical sections as well as intro and outro parts. There is therefore plenty of scope for the user to craft their own unique arrangement within each kit. Original tempos span 78 to 102BPM but, of course, you can fully customize pitch and tempo within Elastik’s powerful sample playback engine.

Expansive Construction Kits For Maximum Flexibility

Acoustic, electric and distorted guitars are the featured instruments. Both mic’ed and DI versions are provided in many cases so you can add your own choice of guitar processing if required. The playing and performances are sophisticated, quirky and somewhat experimental, giving the library a unique musical character.

Other instruments include electric bass (also with a DI version), acoustic and electric piano, synths and various sound effects. For the drums, the sound is deep and punchy. A pre-mixed drum loops is provided for all musical sections, but you also get a comprehensive set of loops for each drum kit piece including kick (inside and outside mics), snare (top and bottom), electronic snare, hihat, cymbals, toms, room and overhead. There is therefore plenty of flexibility for creating your own custom drum mixes

Dark And Unsettling Moods With Cinematic Quality

The library is ideal for songwriters or producers looking to step outside the conventional, or for media composers looking to create a progressive guitar-based soundtrack. For your next atmospheric, experimental and unsettling musical project, Dark Guitar Tunes is a perfect creative starting point.


Produced by Kai Reuter.

Elastik Features

The Elastik player is the perfect plugin for modern music production. The ReTune algorithm allows changing the key and scale of any tonal loop at highest quality. All libraries are organized in the same browser and can be mixed and matched with each other. All loops in Dark Guitar Tunes are tagged with information on key and tempo, making fast searches and immediate song-integration very easy.

Genre: Cinematic
Elastik Soundbank for Mac & Win - AU/VST/AAX/StandAlone
3.6 GB, 5 Construction Kits, 657 Cinematic Loops & Phrases
