Sonokinetic Da Capo V2.0 Kontakt管弦敲击包

大小:7.41 GB

Da Capo 是我们的第一个多采样管弦乐产品,其原始且非常逼真的声音立即在许多模板和心脏中找到了家。

现在,8年后,我们决定重新审视这个图书馆的骨头 - 你不会看到它在外部,但脚本已经极大地适应了,我们清理了很多在nki的核心。声动力在这一时期已经成长了很多,我们觉得达卡普的美丽需要被带出更多。

我们听取了用户的意见并交付 - 我们扩大了高音符的范围,使仪器的效率更高,并做了一些调整的接口,这将有助于减少完成事情所需的点击。


Da Capo was our first multisampled orchestral product, and its raw and very realistic sound instantly found a home in many templates and hearts.

Now, after 8 years, we decided to revisit the bones of this library - you won’t see it on the outside, but the script has been hugely adapted, and we cleaned up a lot in the core of the nki’s as well. Sonokinetic has grown so much in this period, and we felt the beauty of Da Capo needed to be brought out more.

We listened to user comments and delivered - we expanded the range for the high notes, made the instrument a lot more efficient and did some tweaks to the interfacing that will help cut down on clicks needed to get stuff done.

Existing users should experience a huge difference in sound and playability, and new users will be able to buy a great sounding basic orchestra without breaking the bank.
