Sonokinetic Tutti Vox KONTAKT 好莱坞电影配乐人声音源


资源大小:12.21 GB

适用平台:Pc Mac



这不是随便合唱库,作为这项工程已着手 Sonokinetic的风格,被作为播放和灵活,采样的合唱可以同时听起来完全现实。

我们花了大量时间来开发Tutti Vox的动力,我们感到非常自豪,事实上我们已经取得的成就;一种新方法和创新的工作方式与采样合唱。


最主要的一块是Tutti Vox核心,保证名称 'Tutti曲',因为他们不是相似的 (和巨大兼容的) 的独特人声效果大集合我们管弦乐 FX 库的名称相同。认为无调性的冒口、 瀑布、 crescendi、 decrescendi、 集群、 空灵的床和一系列的非常酷的半随机音景,不断发展。一些我们的循环是在 40 秒内长 !也包括在核心修补程序是充分的合唱低语︰ 词、 元音、 辅音和叫喊声,频谱的另一端。无论合唱影响你需要Tutti Vox 核心是您的工具。它应该能够激发和使你的作文瞬间更像人类。
好莱坞电影配乐人声音源 Sonokinetic Tutti Vox KONTAKT音色

3 Tutti Vox由不同的乐器组成︰ Vox、通用和口语︰
Tutti Vox 核心︰ 电影合唱 FX
Tutti Vox 通用︰ 吟唱圣歌和sustains
Tutti Vox 口语︰ 口语单词和短语

虽然各项乐器有不同的目的和功能,有一些控件,对于所有 3 是相同的。让我们先看看这些︰

Tutti Vox 的样品有记录在同一大厅里作为妹妹随想曲,格罗索,最小的大投诉警察课、 Tutti、 遵守公司的图书馆。因此,环境声音的Tutti vox 功能将融合得天衣无缝与这些库。通过单击图形顶部的接口上选择一个麦克风的位置。空房的麦克风位置将以红色突出显示。
由于Tutti Vox 是大型乐器与数以千计的样品,当你选择一个新的麦克风位置你应该允许第二个或两个在演奏之前,对旧的样本,以清除和新的加载。
麦克风混合选项是全球性的适用于整个空房Tutti Vox 的修补程序。
利用 NI 的时间机器临引擎继续停留在时间的同时声音的数量是我们不能提供麦克风混在这一乐器的理由。你可以通过打开第二个补丁使用后 mixdown,第一个快照不同轨道上的围绕着这个工作和选择不同的麦克风位置的那一个,混合级别在昂山。

关键 / Mod 速度
通过键盘速度或mod轮位置(MOD),可以控制速度。单击并拖动该滑块以选择其中一种,或两者组合的混合。请注意,mod轮下去完全安静,你需要有滑块设置,因为发动机始终以中的位数为键和 Mod 速度和速度的关键将永远不会为0。

Sonokinetic’s next generation Choir library, Tutti Vox is a new take on sampling a 48 piece orchestral choir.

A choir library has been on our to-do list ever since our company was in its infancy and now finally the time has come. This is not just any choir library as this project had to be approached Sonokinetic style, being as playable and flexible as a sampled choir can be whilst sounding completely realistic.

We spent a lot of time developing the engine driving Tutti Vox and we are very proud indeed of what we have achieved; a new approach and an innovative way of working with sampled choir.

Included in the package are three different tempo-synced instruments, focused on different elements of choral performance:

The main chunk is Tutti Vox Core, a large collection of unique vocal effects that warrant the name ‘Tutti’ because they are not dissimilar to (and hugely compatible with) our orchestral FX library of the same name. Think atonal risers, falls, crescendi, decrescendi, clusters, ethereal beds and a range of very cool ‘semi-random’ soundscapes that constantly evolve. Some of our loops are over 40 seconds long! Also included in the Core patch are full choir whispers: words, vowels, consonants and shouts, the other end of the spectrum. Whatever choir effect you need, Tutti Vox Core is your tool. It should be able to inspire and make your compositions instantly more human.

Tutti Vox Lingua is our multisampled instrument, where you choose word elements to construct complex phrases. Set up the words and then let your creativity run wild, playing them across the keyboard with soprano, alto, tenor and bass sections ranges configured to your taste. Do you want different sections to sing different words simultaneously? No problem with Lingua advanced, as you can program your choir sections independent of one another in ONE instance of Kontakt.

Also included in the package is Tutti Vox Spoken, unpitched spoken words recorded for male and female voices separately.

We, at Sonokinetic BV, are very proud to introduce Tutti Vox to you and can’t wait to hear the amazing things you, our valued customer base, will produce with it.

Sonokinetic has established a name as one of the best value & quality sample producers and with this product we’d like to underline that statement. We stick with our unbeatable pricing module and high quality sampling
