Project SAM Orchestral Brass Classic KONTAKT-电影铜管音源


资源大小:8.35 GB

适用平台:Pc MAC


经典的管弦乐黄铜是重新发行的样本市场上最受尊敬的交响黄铜系列: 山姆角、 山姆伸缩喇叭、 山姆喇叭和山姆独奏会话。其环境温度、 电影的声音而闻名,管弦乐黄铜经典是唯一黄铜库,没有电影、 电视或游戏的作曲家可以不能没有。


* 更新编程的所有铜管乐器

* 提供断奏的多个版本的所有黄铜断奏的循环交替

* 更有效按键与屏幕上的按键开关信息

* 自定义脚本开播皮肤包括 ADSR、 模拟的 legato、 octaver 和混响的控件

* 两个音乐会大厅 mic 职位在 44.1/16

* 9 GB 库大小

* 不兼容开播 2 或更早版本

改进与 1.1 中的添加:

* 更顺畅 Modwheel (DYN) 整个图书馆的修补程序。

在 1.1 中的 bug 修复:

* 不正确循环点固定。

* 小号节密切麦克风引用固定。

* 各种按键开关 (键) 补丁固定。

* 各种循环周期固定。

* 各种修复的开播 3-特定错误。

* 各种修复的小错误。

改进与补充在 1.2:

* 俯仰缩放曲线

* 所有组中的所有文书存在的音高缩放曲线,重复检查,删除发现的地方。

在 1.2 的 bug 修复:

* 09 c 图拔断奏 s

当玩主旨 F2 在最低速度点击发生。区域调整。

* 26 Trp 教派间隔关键 MOD 阶段 & 关闭

间隔了更安静,当 modhweel (所以下行区间),然后当 modwheel 时,固定。

* 01 Tbn 教派关键 s & 11 Tbn 教派断奏 s

组 ID 34 例有没有权相佑分配& 区卷不平衡。

* 03 T Tbn 独奏维持 DYN c


* F Hn 教派间隔 — — 标段划分及关闭


ORCHESTRAL BRASS CLASSIC is the re-issue of the most respected symphonic brass series on the sample market: SAM Horns, SAM Trombones, SAM Trumpets and SAM Solo Sessions. Known for its ambient, cinematic sound, ORCHESTRAL BRASS CLASSIC is the only brass library that no film, TV or game composer can afford to be without.
Key features:
* Updated programming for all brass instruments
* Round robin alternation for all brass staccatos that offer multiple staccato versions
* More efficient keyswitches with onscreen keyswitch information
* Custom Kontakt-scripting skin including ADSR, simulated legato, octaver and reverb controls
* Two concert hall mic positions in 44.1/16
* 9 GB library size
* Not compatible with Kontakt 2 or earlier
Improvement & Additions in 1.1:
* Smoother Modwheel (DYN) patches throughout library.
Bug fixes in 1.1:
* Incorrect loop points fixed.
* Trumpet Section close mic references fixed.
* Various Keyswitch (KEY) patches fixed.
* Various round robin cycles fixed.
* Various Kontakt 3-specific bugs fixed.
* Various smaller bugs fixed.
Improvement & Additions in 1.2:
* Pitch Scaling Curves
* All groups in all instruments were re-checked for the presence of Pitch Scaling curves, and removed where found.
Bug fixes in 1.2:
* 09c Tuba Staccato s
When playing keynote F2 at the lowest velocities clicks occured. Zones adjusted.
* 26 Trp Sect Intervals KEY MOD stage & close
Intervals were more quiet when modhweel is up (so downward intervals) then when modwheel is down, fixed.
* 01 Tbn Sect KEY s & 11 Tbn Sect staccato s
Group ID 34 had no KSW assignment & Zone volumes imbalanced.
* 03 T Tbn Solo Sustain DYN c
Pitch Scaling Curves removed.
* F Hn Sect Intervals – Stage & Close
Wrong interval labels
* Multi – Epic Sustain
Pitch Scaling Curves removed
