MAGIX SOUND FORGE Pro v13.0.0.46 PC 经典音频编辑软件

大小:731.62 mb

在超过25年的时间里, S主意 FORGE Pro 为音频的录制、编辑和处理设定了基准。最新版本13再次提高了这一基准, 提供了更好的用户体验, 为最终的音频制作提供了更高的效率、稳定性和速度。增强的64位音频引擎以令人难以置信的精度执行所有任务--从录制和编辑到恢复和掌握。

专业录制工作流程您可以捕获多达32个音频通道, 并在可自定义的工作环境中监控所有内容, 具有简单的文件导航和众多的录制工作流选项。一触式录制 (OTR) 只需单击一下即可开始录制, 并停留在工作环境中的主屏幕上。OTR 为您节省时间, 让您专注于录制。直接流数字 (DSD) 声音 FORGE Pro 13 支持 DSD 音频文件导入, 导出, 录制和混合在 PCM 格式。导出到渠务署, 以掌握超级音频 Cd (SACD) 和高质量的存档。阈值录制使用录制对话框设置输入设备启动录制的阈值, 以便您可以在不同时进入控件和录制室的情况下进行录制。MIDI 时间码如果您想通过从其他设备接收 MIDI 时间码 (如 MIDI 音符和控制器值) 来启动播放或录制, 请选择 MIDI 时间代码触发器。时间戳记录配置您的录制通过计时器从多个选定的输入设备自动启动。然后, 自动设置还将确定何时停止录制。输入总线效果将插件效果添加到源信号中, 为音乐人创建更吸引人的耳机组合。使用此方法可以在录制效果链之前创建效果链, 并在处理项目时轻松地对其进行编辑。波形概述栏波形概述栏有助于导航在长时间的录音, 因为它给你一个更好的感觉, 你在音频文件中的位置。在不同的项目之间快速切换, 只需单击一下即可移动编辑位置。音频编辑

For over 25 years, SOUND FORGE Pro has set the benchmark for recording, editing and processing audio. The latest version 13, raises that benchmark yet again, offering an improved user experience, with more efficiency, stability and speed for ultimate audio production. The enhanced 64-bit audio engine carries out all tasks – from recording and editing to restoration and mastering – with incredible precision.
Professional recording workflow You can capture up to 32 audio channels and monitor everything in a customizable working environment, with simple file navigation and numerous recording workflow options. One-Touch-Recording (OTR) Start your recordings with a single click and stay on the main screen in your working environment. OTR saves you time and lets you focus on recording. Direct Stream Digital (DSD) SOUND FORGE Pro 13 supports DSD audio files for import, export, recording and mixing in PCM format. Export to DSD for mastering Super Audio CDs (SACD) and high-quality archiving. Threshold recording Use the recording dialog to set a threshold over which the recording is started by the input device, so you can record without being in both the control and recording room at the same time. MIDI timecode Select the MIDI time code Trigger if you want to initiate playback or recording by receiving MIDI timecode from another device, like MIDI notes and controller values. Timestamp recording Configure your recordings to start automatically from multiple selected input devices via a timer. The automatic settings will then also determine when to stop recording. Input bus effects Add plug-in effects to your source signal to create a more appealing headphone mix for the musician. Use this method to create your effects chain before recording and edit it with ease while working on your project. Waveform overview bar The waveform overview bar aids navigation over long recordings as it gives you a better feel for where you are in the audio file. Quickly switch between different projects and move your editing position with a single click. AUDIO EDITING 
