Big Fish Audio Hard Rock Decade of Distortion KONTAKT摇滚乐风格流行音源

资源大小:4.58 Gb
适用平台:Pc MAC
您的高级现代硬摇滚循环库已经到来。《Hard Rock:Decade of Distortion》充满了一些最受欢迎的即兴段、音调、声音、旋律和鼓,这些都受到了林肯公园乐队、科恩乐队、Foo Fighters乐队、Deftones乐队、Blink182乐队、子孙后代乐队、Papa Roach乐队等乐队的欢迎!这29个施工套件中包含761个不同的环路。如果你在市场上寻找难以置信的巨大吉他音调、有力而前卫的鼓,以及低沉而激进的低音部分,那么这是你的必备品。

许多世界级的音乐家被邀请来捕捉你在大预算硬石录音室录音中捕捉到的确切音调和声音,其中包括执行制作人/吉他手乔治•拉卡瓦,他在备受争议的《警察杀手巡回演唱会》中首次获得认可,并因其在电子轰动中的角色《黑色剃刀》而在全国范围内获得认可。联合制作人Ed Faris是一位屡获殊荣的工程师/作曲家和吉他手,以其前沿的声音和创造性的写作风格而闻名,这使他成为流行乐队Adema的幕后推手。

《失真十年》还邀请了一些摇滚乐最具创新性和精英的鼓手,他们的演奏风格与马特•劳格(Matt Laug)如出一辙,他曾与传奇吉他手斯拉什(Slash)一起巡演并录制了支持AC/DC的蛇坑巡演。马特曾与Alanis Morissette、Alice Cooper、Christina Aguilera等合作录制唱片。特邀鼓手Mike Hansen曾与Steve Vai一起巡演,最近与George Lynch一起巡演/录制,他将自己的技术和创意方法带到了这个项目中。最后,七届格莱美提名人尼克•门扎(Nick Menza)的雷鸣般的演奏,以其爆炸性的鼓点风格而闻名,他为摇滚乐最传奇的乐队之一Megadeth带来了鼓点风格。
Your premium modern-day hard rock loop library has arrived. Hard Rock: Decade of Distortion is packed with some of the most highly sought after riffs, tones, sounds, melodies and drums, made popular by bands such as: Linkin Park, Korn, Foo Fighters, Deftones, Blink182, Offspring, Papa Roach, and many more! These 29 construction kits are packed with 761 different loops. If you're in the market for unbelievably huge guitar tones, punchy and edgy drums, and deep and aggressive bass parts, then this is a must-have for you.
Many world class musicians were brought in to capture the exact tones and sounds you'd capture in a big budget Hard Rock studio recording including executive producer/guitarist, George Lacava, who was first recognized on the controversial Cop Killer Tour, and nationally for his role with electronic sensation, Razed in Black. Co-producer, Ed Faris, is an award-winning engineer/composer and guitarist known for his cutting edge sounds and creative writing style, making him the driving force behind the popular band Adema.
Decade of Distortion also features some of rock music's most innovative and elite drummers with the hard hitting playing style of Matt Laug, who has toured and recorded with legendary guitarist, Slash, on his Snake Pit tour supporting AC/DC. Matt has recorded with Alanis Morissette, Alice Cooper, Christina Aguilera and more. Special guest drummer Mike Hansen, who has toured with Steve Vai and recently toured/recorded with George Lynch, brings his technical and creative approach to the project. And finally, the thunderous playing of seven-time Grammy nominee Nick Menza, known for his explosive drumming style he brought to one of rock music's most legendary bands, Megadeth.
• 761 acidized WAVs and Apple Loops
• 782 REX2 files
• 29 construction kits
Instruments Include
• Drums
• Bass
• Electric Guitars
• Clav
• Synthesizers
• Synth Bass
• Electric Bass
• Wurly Keys
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