8Dio Studio Vocals Laurie KONTAKT独唱女声库

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8Dio Studio声乐系列:"劳丽",以雄伟而多才多艺的新古典主义歌手劳丽·安·豪斯(Laurie Ann Haus)为特征,捕捉了一套深采样的表达,包括《真莱加托、维持、马卡托》和《短语》。

对于与劳丽的系列,(星际争霸2,魔兽世界,Diablo 3,博吉亚斯,巫婆维尔等),我们开发了一个全新的采样方法,我们部署到巴尔干莱加托。这项技术被称为Flex™,它创造了更丰富、更多样化的腿 - 其中劳丽从根本上改变元音的所有腿过渡。此外,我们还以传统 legato 时尚对她的凯尔特莱加托进行了采样,因此您可以同时使用这两种采样方法。


该系列提供了一个庞大的图书馆 2 x 20 不同的多元音, 这是我们介绍的概念在我们的 200 人史诗合唱团, Lacrimosa.多音音是100%兼容的,所以你可以让劳丽唱完全一样,合唱团,并匹配他们完美。


8Dio Studio 声乐系列:"Laurie"是一个广泛的包,是声音工程师、音乐家和发烧友在媒体工作的必有之一。


Studio Vocals: Laurie overview
8Dio Studio Vocals Series: “Laurie,” features the majestic and versatile neoclassical singer, Laurie Ann Haus, capturing a deep-sampled set of articulations on her Celtic, Balkan, Middle Eastern and Operatic styles of singing, encompassing True Legato, Sustains, Marcato and Phrases.

For the series with Laurie, (StarCraft 2, World of Warcraft, Diablo 3, The Borgias, Witchville, etc.), we developed an entirely new method for sampling, which we deployed into the Balkan Legato. The technique is called Flex™ Legato, which creates richer, more varied type of legato – where Laurie fundamentally changes vowels on all legato transitions. We additionally sampled her Celtic Legato in traditional legato fashion, so you have access to both methods of sampling.

We recorded three different types of sustains, standard sustains, sustains with vibrato and subtler Celtic style sustains, each containing six vowels. There are two styles of Marcato recorded, standard and Balkan, each containing 11 different vowels.

The series offers a massive library of 2 x 20 different multi-vowels, which is a concept we introduced in our 200 Person Epic Choir, Lacrimosa. The multi-vowels are 100% compatible, so you can have Laurie sing precisely the same as the choir and match them perfectly.

The library includes over 2.700 different phrases, divided into different categories such as Celtic, Soft Celtic Talking, Soft Middle Eastern, Belting Balkan, etc. The phrases are designed to be used with the multi-sampled content and give you a broad introduction to Laurie’s extensive vocal palette.

8Dio Studio Vocals Series: “Laurie,” is an extensive package that is a must-have for sound engineers, musicians, and audiophiles working in the medium.

Laurie is available for custom soundtrack work. Please click here for more information.
