LiquidSonics Seventh Heaven Professionalv1.3.3+LiBRARY 1.3.0 PC第七天堂专业混响

软件格式:VST, VST3, AAX x64
大小: 8.9 GB

有史以来最好的 M7 模拟
使用融合 IR 实现
多年来,Bricasti M7 一直未尝试捕捉和重现这个传奇硬件的微妙之美。许多业内人士认为这是不可能的。

Fusion-IR 是一种独特的基于卷积的调制捕获和复制技术,专门针对 M7 的需求开发。它重新定义了基于卷积的混响处理器的声学和工作流程可能性规则。

没有什么比第七天堂专业更接近 M7 硬件了。

现在在世界各地使用,从最小的山顶背包工作室到伦敦和洛杉矶最大的后期制作设施,第七天堂专业是体验 M7 在您的 DAW 中原生回响的力量和美丽的明确方式。

M7 擅长在最讨人喜欢的灯光下呈现世界上最逼真的房间、空间和板的模拟。

从紧绷、逼真的内饰、房间和一室公寓到郁郁葱葱的户外空间、大教堂和大厅,M7 都能做到。

第七天堂专业包括布里卡斯蒂 M7 中可用的每一个预设。

这包括所有 v1 和 v2 固件修订预设,包括特殊的非线性混响,甚至硬件中不可用的附加内饰预设。




在第七天堂专业不是这样。它具有算法混响的灵活性,允许您完善空间的声学效果,就像在 M7 上一样,并保留了被认为无法捕捉的有机、活泼的氛围。

像对待任何算法混响一样对待第七天堂专业, 忘记你听说过的卷积无生命的声音。这里不适用。


M7 的郁郁葱葱,丰富的衰败是节目的明星。原始的 v1 衰变是有史以来听到的最现实的, v2 表现出惊人的调制质量。

每个预设的衰减都可以在 M7 的完整衰减时间范围内(从 200 毫秒到 30 秒)进行设置。


M7 的预延迟和多语音延迟可以像在硬件本身一样自由修改。





M7 独特的滚离曲线专为其混响和反射而设计。每个曲线(v1/v2衰变和早期反射不同)在每个可用位置进行了研究和再现。这为声学链中这一关键组件提供了极其准确的再现。

5 波段后 EQ

M7 的早期和晚期混响滤波器在第七天堂专业中增加了一个完整的 5 波段参数均衡器。




The Best M7 Simulation Ever
Made Possible With Fusion-IR
For years the Bricasti M7 eluded all attempts to capture and reproduce the subtle beauty of this legendary hardware. Many in the industry considered it impossible.

Fusion-IR is a unique modulated convolution-based capture and reproduction technology developed specifically around the needs of M7. It redefines the rules of acoustic and workflow possibilities for convolution based reverberation processors.

Nothing comes closer to M7 hardware than Seventh Heaven Professional.

Now used around the world, from the smallest mountain-top backpack studios to the biggest post production facilities in London and Los Angeles, Seventh Heaven Professional is the definitive way to experience the power and beauty of M7 reverbs natively within your DAW.

Each And Every Preset
The M7 excels in presenting the world’s most realistic simulation of rooms, spaces and plates in the most flattering of lights.

From tight, realistic interiors, chambers and studios to lush outdoor expanses, cathedrals and halls, the M7 can do it all.

Seventh Heaven Professional includes every single preset available in the Bricasti M7.

This includes all v1 and v2 firmware revision presets, including the special nonlinear reverbs and even additional interiors presets not available in hardware.

It took many months of fully automated capture to produce the thousands of Fusion-IRs needed for Seventh Heaven Professional. Only then could the true finesse of the modulated hardware be achieved via convolution. The early reflections, low frequency reverb, and late reverb were captured individually for the ultimate in control and acoustic realism.

The Sound And Flexibility of Algorithmic Reverbs
In a sampled reverb it is typically impossible to sculpt a space as required, and as is expected from users of hardware and software algorithmic reverbs.

Even simple, critical tasks such as balancing the early and late reverb are impossible jobs with most convolution reverbs. Not to mention, usually any modulation is completely lost and the captures lose the organic life of the hardware.

Not so in Seventh Heaven Professional. It has the flexibility of algorithmic reverbs allowing you to perfect the acoustics of a space just as can be done on an M7 and retains the organic, lively vibe thought to be impossible to capture.

Treat Seventh Heaven Professional like any algorithmic reverb and forget what you’ve heard about the lifeless sound of convolution. It doesn’t apply here.

Vast Editing Potential
The Ultimate Reverb Tails

The M7’s lush, rich decays are the star of the show. The original v1 decays are the most realistic ever heard, and the v2 exhibit stunning modulation qualities.

Every preset’s decay can be set across the M7’s full decay time range (from 200 milliseconds right up to 30 seconds).

Delays With Added Tempo Synchronisation

The M7’s pre-delay and multi-voice delay can be modified as freely as within the hardware itself.

Seventh Heaven Professional takes a further step by providing the ability to sync pre-delay and delay to DAW tempo.

Reflection Pattern Selection

Each and every modulated early reflection pattern has been captured and can be freely swapped at will. Any space can be absolutely transformed, an unprecedented feat for a sampled reverb.

Advanced Equalisation
Precise Roll-off Filtering

The M7’s unique roll-off curves are perfectly designed for its reverberation and reflections. Each curve (different for v1/v2 decay and early reflections) was studied and reproduced in every available position. This provides an extremely accurate reproduction of this critical component in the acoustic chain.

5-band Post-EQ

The M7’s early and late reverb filters have been augmented with a full 5-band parametric equaliser in Seventh Heaven Professional.

Now it is possible to apply subtle to dramatic filtering to a reverb and save the changes as a Seventh Heaven Professional user preset to be saved for later or shared with your colleagues.

Frequency Dependent Reverb Decay Times

Seventh Heaven Professional also includes the ability to apply post-process low and high frequency decay time modification to the reverb.
