Best Service The Orchestra Complete 1&2 KONTAKT管弦乐完整版1&2

大小:24.41 GB

管弦乐队完成 2 - 新功能 - 新乐器 - 新预设




如果您已经拥有"管弦乐队"家族的成员,您可以以非常实惠的价格升级到"乐团完成 2":请查看此处:

所有者: 地狱的冬季奥德角的字符串
所有者: 管弦乐队完成 1
业主: 管弦乐团
TOC2 所有图标横幅


地狱之角 - 超过65个富有表现力的黄铜表达和120个令人难以置信的和强大的预设,包括一个完整的器官库。

冬季字符串 - 60 字符串发音,两个新的民族字符串部分和来自冬季字符串的所有附加内容。

额外的预设和多乐器 - 超过 150 个附加预设邀请您探索这些附加的声音,以及仅提供"管弦乐队完成 2"提供的全套乐器,使总计超过 475 个可播放的编排和模式。

修订预设浏览器 - 在管弦乐完成2中最大的新功能之一是全新的预设浏览器。使用直观的过滤器和类别探索大量预设选择。找到适合您心情或首选风格的预设从未如此简单。

MIDI 出口 - 管弦乐队完成 2 附带 MIDI 出口。发动机产生的模式和排列可以导出到单独的 MIDI 履带上,打开无限的可能性。

更多请求功能 - 我们还重新访问原始合奏引擎,实现更小但高度请求的功能,如可切换的 GUI 和更多的 MIDI 控制器分配选项。

核心 = 组合引擎


从音符的任意组合创建脉动节奏和鼓舞人心的完整安排。所有这一切,而无需依赖于预先录制的短语 - 您可以完全控制。它会工作,无论你发挥什么和弦或音符。以最短的加载时间,大量的预设为您提供完整的合奏颜色,开箱即用。


在独立插槽中加载多达 5 种不同的乐器,然后一起演奏。



TOC 2 主 GUI 屏幕

从三个类别中的 300 个预设中进行选择。

管弦乐颜色 - 管弦乐颜色预设是乐器的实用组合,可以在您的键盘上实时播放。简单的击键和和弦产生丰富的管弦乐声音。

管弦乐节奏 - 管弦乐节奏包含简单和有用的可播放模式的管弦乐的不同部分,利用我们的合奏引擎。

动画管弦乐队 - 动画管弦乐队预设走得更远,并创建复杂的编排节奏从任何播放的音符。这就是魔法发生的地方!

拖放 MIDI 到您的 DAW - 一旦你受到预设的启发,拖放您的性能安排到您的 DAW。将合奏引擎的力量释放到您的个人模板上,更改笔记,组合不同的模式,并把它们作为您自己的模式。


TOC2 Ensemble Multipatches
Toc2 Arpeggiator + 速度信封

The Orchestra Complete 2 - New Features - New Instruments - New Presets
"The Orchestra Complete 2" as the flagship of the "The Orchestra" product family combines the force of the original 80-piece orchestra with additional articulations and powerful features. It now includes not only "Strings Of Winter" but also "Horns Of Hell".

In this revolutionary all-in-one package the sound of a symphonic orchestra is at your fingertips. With the groundbreaking ensemble-engine we created a super easy way for you to convert your ideas into music.

Immediately playable. Completely customizable. Surprisingly simple.

Upgrade Available

If you already own a member of the "The Orchestra" family you can upgrade to "The Orchestra Complete 2" at a very affordable price: Check your options here:

Owners of: Strings Of Winter oder Horns Of Hell
Owners of: The Orchestra Complete 1
Owners of: The Orchestra
What′s Included?
TOC2 All Icons Banner

The Orchestra Complete 2 extends our entry-level instrument "The Orchestra" with more instruments, more presets and extended powerful features. Now including:

Horns Of Hell - More than 65 expressive brass articulations and 120 incredible and powerful presets, including a full Organ library.

Strings Of Winter - 60 string articulations, two new ethnic string sections and all additional content from Strings Of Winter.

Additional Presets and Multi-Instruments - More than 150 additional presets invite you to explore these additional sounds in conjunction with the full range of instruments that only "The Orchestra Complete 2" offers, bringing the total up to more than 475 playable orchestrations and patterns.

Revised Preset Browser - One of the biggest new features in THE ORCHESTRA COMPLETE 2 is the brand new Preset Browser. Explore the massive selection of presets with intuitive filters and categories. Finding the right preset for your mood or preferred style has never been easier.

MIDI Export - The Orchestra Complete 2 comes with MIDI-Export. Patterns and arrangements generated by the engine can be exported onto separate MIDI Tracks, opening endless possibilities.

More Requested Features - We also revisited the original ensemble engine, implementing smaller but highly-requested features like a switchable GUI and more MIDI controller assignment options.

The Core – The Ensemble Engine
The Ensemble Engine works through a number of independent arpeggiators and velocity envelopes, heavily inspired by the Sonuscore Origins-Series.

Create Complex Arrangements With Simple Chords

Create pulsating rhythms and inspiring full arrangements from any combination of notes. All of this without relying on prerecorded phrases – you have the full control. It will work, no matter what chord or note you play. With minimum loading times, a vast amount of presets provide you with full ensemble colors right out of the box.

Independent arpeggiators and velocity envelopes create vivid and powerful orchestral colors.

Load up to 5 different instruments in independent slots and play them together.

Every slot can be assigned to one of five different modules.

Assign percussion to the arpeggiator to create pulsating rhythms.

TOC 2 Main GUI Screen

Compose Faster with Full Instrumental Groups
Choose from 300 Presets in Three Categories.

Orchestral Colors - The Orchestral Colors presets are practical combinations of instruments that can be played live on your keyboard. Simple keystrokes and chords yield a rich orchestral sound.

Orchestral Rhythms - The Orchestral Rhythms contain simple and useful playable patterns of separate sections of the orchestra that make use of our Ensemble Engine.

Animated Orchestra - The animated orchestra presets go even further and create complex orchestrated rhythms from any played note. This is where the magic happens!

Export Your Custom Performance
Drag and drop MIDI to your DAW - Once you have been inspired by a preset, drag and drop the arrangement of your performance to your DAW. Unleash the power of the ensemble engine onto your personal template, change notes, combine different patterns and make them your own.

Take Full Control Over The Ensemble
Work quickly and intuitively with our straightforward user interface.

On the Engine page you can access all individual controls for each of the five instrument modules. Short notes can be arranged with the arpeggiators, while sustained notes can be shaped with the velocity envelope. Create the orchestral colors as you need them and let the magic happen.

TOC2 Arpeggiator & Velocity Envelope

Arpeggiator - The arpeggiator creates fascinating melodic patterns to give your project a rich and lively orchestral feeling. Change the pattern of the arpeggiator with the rhythm stepper. If needed, you can modify almost every parameter to stay in full control of your orchestral color.

Velocity Envelope - Shape Your Sustain Sounds - The Velocity Envelope adds a recurring dynamic movement to a sustaining note. The centerpiece is the envelope shape, which can be drawn freely.

Play The Instruments Freely
Create full and detailed orchestrations from scratch. Play your ideas and your melodies freely with the single instrument patches.

Aside from the Ensemble Instrument, "The Orchestra Complete 2" also contains 152 single instrument patches. Included are all standard sections and articulations from a symphonic orchestra, including percussion and bonus instruments.

Ensemble-Multi Patches: Unleash The Full Orchestral Power
Multis take the Ensemble Engine even further toward instant playability and epic sound as they load and layer multiple instances of THE ORCHESTRA. The easiest way to create complex orchestral arrangements.

TOC2 Ensemble Multipatches

There are full playable orchestral multis for single articulations that work perfectly for quick sketching and layering. Orchestral Rhythm and Animated Orchestra Multis combine multiple instances of the Ensemble Engine to create even more complex patterns.

The Samples: Rough & Edgy – No „Polished“ Sound
"The Orchestra" was recorded and processed with the intention to sound a bit rougher and more “honest” than the common orchestral Hollywood sound. It offers an alternative and promises straight and powerful sounds, punch and a vivid musical experience.

The instruments for "The Orchestra" were recorded in Budapest at the renowned Studio 22 in their traditional seating position and mixed and edited with great attention to detail. This way the different sections blend together perfectly in the same room. All essential articulations are available, including playable true legato samples and multiple round robins for short articulations.

Choose Your Favorite Interface Design
"The Orchestra Complete 2" by default loads each instrument in the appropriate design. If you prefer a different design, you can switch it anytime via the instrument settings.

TOC2 All Three GUI Screen

Key Features
Breakthrough Ensemble Engine

Play freely or create stunning orchestral colors with simple chords

Complete set of standard articulations for all instruments

True Legato Interval Sampling

302 ready-to-go ensemble presets

135 Multi-Rack Patches

14.3GB of data (18.2 GB uncompressed)

24600+ individual Samples

Fast loading times
