厂家 :
大小:8.4 GB

Epica Redux 由 Sam Spacey 制作,他还制作了备受赞誉的 Phaedra 和 Epica Bass 虚拟合成器。

Epica Redux 取代了在免费 Kontakt Player 中运行并需要激活序列的先前版本。Epica Redux 需要完整版的 Kontakt 6.6.0,并且不会在免费的 Kontakt Player 中运行。来自原始 Epica 的所有声音都可以在新版本中使用。主要区别在于更新的 Kontakt GUI。

Epica Redux 带有令人惊叹的界面,为用户提供了惊人的声音塑造能力。

超过 17,000 个 24 位样本经过手工编辑、循环和多层处理,以产生无与伦比的丰富和真实的声音,让您的听众惊叹不已。

我们制作了一些很棒的预设来帮助您入门,总共有 600 种单乐器和 100 多种复合音色。你会喜欢它们如何在不需要均衡器或压缩的情况下立即听起来你的歌曲的一部分,它们听起来需要一个更好的短语“温暖,就像唱片一样真实”。Epica 听起来像……嗯……Epica,它的音色和多功能性是独一无二的,它提供了其他合成器无法提供的声音。

Epica Redux 的所有样本都是通过 100% 精品硬件的设备链录制的,在创建源声音时没有使用插件。创造性地提供音色丰富且具有自己特色的新鲜音色调色板,您确实能够将您的音乐从大众中脱颖而出。

所有样本都是手动循环的,并且使用 Kontakt 键映射从不会将样本从其根部拉伸超过 1 个音符,它们听起来就像它们来自的乐器一样真实。事实上,所有非循环样本都映射到每个键的 6 个八度音阶,其中大量的每个键上有 3 到 4 个循环

Epica Redux 的声音丰富、饱满且“真实”,它们正好适合您随时可用的项目。我一直发现虚拟合成器需要大量的工作才能使它们适合混音,在我看来,它们总是具有这种塑料二维声音。EPICA 听起来就像从一开始就打破了记录,因为声源来自真实的硬件乐器和 100% 的硬件处理器。您会发现自己并没有接触到压缩器、均衡器或其他插件,因为它们本身听起来就很棒。

零重力音频样本·零重力 EPICA Redux
Future Music - 评级:9/10

“Epica 是一个纯粹的样本库。Zero-G 成功地捕捉了经典模拟的活力和表现力。许多鼓舞人心的表现力声音具有额外的复古魅力,这是现代合成器经常缺少的。也为虚拟仪器的直观用户界面。”
“总的来说,这是一款非常可靠的产品,感觉就像是一款拥有大量内容的乐器,可以随时进行调整或按原样使用。我给 Epica 4 分,5 分之三,声音质量受到赞赏,数量肯定会让你忙一会儿。”

Epica Redux has been produced by Sam Spacey who also produced the highly-acclaimed Phaedra and Epica Bass virtual synths.

Epica Redux replaces the previous version which ran in the free Kontakt Player and required an activation serial. Epica Redux requires the full version of Kontakt 6.6.0 and will not run in the free Kontakt Player. All of the sounds from the original Epica are available in the new version. The main difference is the updated Kontakt GUI.

Epica Redux comes with a stunning interface that gives the user amazing sound-shaping capability.

Over 17,000 24bit samples have been hand-edited, looped and multi-layered to produce an unsurpassed richness and authenticity of sound that will have your audience gasping in appreciation.

We've made some great presets to get you started, 600 single instruments and over 100 multis in total. You will love how they instantly sound part of your song with no EQ or Compression needed, they sound for want of a better phrase "Warm, real just like a record". Epica sounds like…well…Epica, it is unique in its tone and versatility offering sounds that you just cannot get with other synths.

Epica Redux's samples have all been recorded through an equipment chain of 100% boutique hardware with no plug-ins used in the creation of the source sounds. Creatively offering a fresh palette of sounds that are rich in timbre and have their own character, you're really able to set your music apart from the masses.

All samples were hand looped and with Kontakt key mapping never stretching a sample more than 1 note from its root they sound as real as the instruments they came from. In fact, all of the non looped samples are mapped to every key for 6 octaves with a large amount of them 3 to 4 x Round Robins on every key

The sound of Epica Redux is rich, full and 'Real', they just fit into your projects ready to go. I have always found that virtual synths need a lot of work to make them fit into mixes, to my ears they always had this plastic two-dimensional sound to them. EPICA instantly sounds like it has come off a record from the beginning as the sound sources are from real hardware instruments and 100% hardware processors. You will find yourself not reaching for the compressor, eq or other plugins as they just sound so good on their own.

Zero-G Audio Samples · Zero-G EPICA Redux
Future Music - Rated: 9/10
"An excellent, very well thought out and powerful instrument with a huge range of possibilities. There are so many great sounds here and enough to guarantee you'll be using it for years to come. Highly recommended."

BEAT Magazine
"Epica is a purist sample library. Zero-G has successfully captured the vitality and expressiveness of classic analog. The many inspiring expressive sounds have an extra dose of vintage charm, that is so often missing from modern synthesizers. Kudos also for the intuitive user interface of the virtual instrument."
"Overall this is a very solid product that feels like an instrument with tons of content ready to be tweaked or used as is. I give Epica 4 out of 5 subs, the quality of the sounds is appreciated and the quantity will definitely keep you busy for a while."
