Strezov Sampling KAMBANITE Church Bells KONTAKT教堂钟声

大小:1.94 GB

Kambanite Church Bells对我们来说是一个非常有趣、独一无二的项目。“Kambanite”(译为“钟声”)这个名字来自位于索非亚郊区的一座独特的纪念碑和公园。一侧拥有丰富的文化和历史遗产——1979 年联合国宣布今年将是“儿童年”,当时的保加利亚文化部长安排并成立了国际大会“和平旗帜”——一个专门的节日以“团结、艺术、美”为主题的儿童艺术。这个儿童集会成为保加利亚东部(共产主义)街区内外人们最知名的国际象征之一。

“Kambanite”纪念碑建于1979年,以纪念新成立的国际大会“和平旗帜”,自此成为其象征。这座建筑本身高 37 米,在一个空心球体中放置了 7 个铃铛,代表地球和7 大洲联合起来——和平的象征。

样本也被移调了 1 个八度音程,以及 1 个和/或 2 个八度音程,总共为您提供4 个八度音程来创作音乐。每个铃声都记录在2 个动态层和 2 个循环中。
KAMBANITE æ•™å ‚é’Ÿå£°

Kambanite Church Bells was a very interesting, one-of-a-kind project for us. The name “Kambanite” (transl. “The Bells”) comes from a unique Monument and park located in the outskirts of Sofia. The side has a rich cultural and historic heritage - in 1979 the UN declared that this will be a “year of the children” and the Bulgarian Minister of Culture at the time arranged and founded an International Assembly “Banner of Peace” - a festival dedicated to children’s art with the moto “Unity, Art, Beauty”. This children’s assembly became one of the most recognizable international symbols of Bulgaria for people in and out of the Eastern (Communist) Block.

The “Kambanite” Monument was built in 1979 to commemorate the newly founded International Assembly “Banner of Peace” and has been its symbol eversince. The structure itself is 37 meters high and features 7 bells placed in a hollow sphere, representing the planet Earth and the 7 continents united - a symbol of peace.
The park around the Monument was designed to become a “home” for bells, donated and gifted from countries and governments all around the world, the majority of which were brought and presented by the children participating in the Assembly. Currently there are more than 107 bells in the park, each of them with its own voice. We were eager to capture and sample that immense diversity of voices and create a unique deeply sampled bells library, so that the music from “Kambanite” could be shared back with the world.

Each of the bells featured in the library has a specific pitch. However, since we wanted to create playable patches for each bell, we used a fair amount of processing to make this happen. The original pitch of each bell is marked on the keyboard with the yellow/green color within the green section. The green section itself represents the octave which is covered by stretching the original sample. In order to cover a wider range, the original pitch
sample is also transposed 1 octave up, and 1 and/or 2 octaves down, giving you 4 octaves in total to create music with. Each bell was recorded in 2 dynamic layers and with 2 round robins.
