SonicCouture Speak & Spell KONTAKT LIVE EXS24玩具电子音色完整版

德州仪器的Speak&Spell是1970年代和80年代广受欢迎的玩具,在过去的几年中,它在电子产品领域有了新的发现。人们发现,如果您对其电路和语音芯片进行修整,则可以实现毛刺,循环和其他有趣的效果。众所周知,“电路弯曲”始于1960年代后期,其发明归功于里德·加扎拉(Reed Ghazala),他在一次偶然的意外中与玩具放大器发生了事故。

如今,Circuit Bending已达到一种艺术形式的水平,其领先的从业人员以越来越不可能的玩具和装置走得更远,以寻求声音的混乱。除玩具外,合成电路和鼓机等数字乐器还是音乐家的绝佳电路弯曲主体,如访问网站所示。

SC Speak&Spell由来自英国布莱顿的热衷弯腰的Andy Wheddon创建。它具有各种触发和循环控制,以及音调控制旋钮和最重要的插孔输出。在使用中,电路弯曲的S&S的结果是无法预料的。最好的技术往往是让机器进入随机的单词和小故障模式,然后通过修改后的控件可以勉强循环或操纵它们。

SonicCouture Speak & Spell

A much-loved and ubiquitous toy from the 1970s and 80s, Texas Instruments Speak & Spell has found a new lease of life in electronica in the last few years. People discovered that if you tinker with its circuits and voice chips, glitching, looping, and other interesting effects can be achieved. ‘Circuit Bending’, as this is known, is said to have begun in the late 1960s, and its invention is attributed to one Reed Ghazala, after a fortuitous accident with a toy amplifier.

Today Circuit Bending has reached the levels of an Art-form, with its leading practitioners going ever further with increasingly unlikely toys and devices, in search of sonic chaos. In addition to toys, Digital musical instruments such as synths and drum machines make excellent circuit bending subjects for musicians, as a visit to website shows.
The SC Speak & Spell was created by Andy Wheddon, a keen bender from Brighton, UK. It has various trigger and loop controls, as well as a pitch control knob and the all-important jack-output. In use, the results of a circuit bent S&S are far from predictable. The best technique tends to be to let the machine go into a random pattern of words and glitches which can then be looped or manipulated, albeit barely, with the modified controls.
—-Speak & Spell文件夹
——Speak & Spell Drum Kit.exs
——Speak Seq 1.exs
——Speak Seq 2.exs
——Speak Seq 3.exs
——Speak Seq 4.exs
——Speak Seq 5.exs
——Speak Seq 6.exs
——Speak Seq 7.exs
——Speak Seq 8.exs
——Speak Seq 9.exs
—-EXS24 Read Me.rtf
—-Alphabet – Both Precise.nki
—-Alphabet – Random 1.nki
—-Alphabet – Random 2.nki
—-Loops – All Precise.nki
—-SFX – All Precise.nki
—-SFX – Random.nki
—-Speak & Shred 1.nki
—-Speak & Shred 2.nki
—-Speak & Shred 3.nki
—-Speak & Shred 4.nki
—-Speak & Shred 5.nki
—-Speak & Shred 6.nki
—-Speak & Shred 7.nki
—-Speak & Shred 8.nki
—-Speak & Shred 9.nki
—-Speak & Spell Drum Kit.nki
—-Words – All Precise.nki
—-Words – Random.nki
