Audio Ollie LA Modern Percussion v1.1 KONTAKT洛杉矶现代打击乐

大小:26.58 GB

Audio Ollie 与传奇的配乐混音师 Alan Meyerson 合作,为您带来他标志性的、独特的打击乐声音,这是现有工具和库无法复制的。为了捕捉这种具有侵略性、宽广和超凡脱俗的声音,我们使用了艾伦在他的大片项目中所做的精确设置——我们将四位洛杉矶最好的打击乐手带到华纳兄弟伊斯特伍德的舞台上,并在每一步都遵循他的公式方式,从麦克风选择到最终混音。对每一个细节的辛勤奉献是值得的!我们非常自豪地介绍我们的新合作和旗舰乐器——洛杉矶现代打击乐。

LA Modern Percussion 旨在由创意用户进行调整、修改和定制。带有15个麦克风选项,专用效果链(根据Alan的工作流程建模),总线路由以及经过精心设计以堆叠和分层的各种贴片类型,其创造的可能性几乎是无限的。通过提供这些基本构建块,舞台将构建和塑造完全独特的鼓声。通过结合许多不同的打击乐源,所有这些都具有独特的处理和人性化特征,例如松散和随机速度,我们以多重形式提供了大量的创意内容。

用户界面旨在最大限度地提高效率并改进工作流程。它包括一些功能,例如与高通和低通滤波器相关联的双频段 AHDSR 模块,用于手术声音整形,一个允许您保存任何 UI 设置的预设系统,以及可以调整动态曲线、移调和乐器的音高。Patch Types Dynamic Hits - 这些 Patch 具有平均 25 个从低到高映射到键盘的动态层。这种独特的方法对 CPU 的要求极低,因此非常适合分层。

传统 Hits & Rolls - 您的传统打击乐音色,具有多达 7 个动态、9 个循环和可通过调制轮控制的动态滚动。所有主要的合奏类型都有一个传统的打击和滚动补丁来补充动态打击。


即兴表演 - 单个长时间的即兴表演,为您的作品增添更宽松、更人性化的一面。按键触发采样开始时间从低到高。

v1.1 Groove Engine
我们强大的律动引擎将 LA Modern Percussion 带到了全新的高度。具有四个独特的音序器构建、动态步进调制以及将单个鼓分配到自己的键的能力,您可以创建不断发展的、可演奏的模式。观看上面的视频或预览右侧的凹槽以了解更多信息。

需要 KONTAKT 5.8 Full +
25 GB
14 麦克风
100 + 补丁

Audio Ollie teamed up with the legendary scoring mixer Alan Meyerson to bring you his iconic, distinctive percussion sound, heretofore unreplicable with the existing tools and libraries. To capture this aggressive, wide, and larger-than-life sound, we used the exact set up Alan does on his blockbuster projects -- we brought in four of LA's best percussionists to Warner Brothers Eastwood stage and followed his formula every step of the way, from the mic selection to the final mixes. The painstaking dedication to every last detail was well worth the effort! We are incredibly proud to introduce our new collaboration and flagship instrument--LA Modern Percussion.

The Concept
LA Modern Percussion was designed to be tweaked, mangled, and customized by the creative user. With 15 mic options, a dedicated effects chain (modeled after Alan's workflow), bus routing, and various patch types crafted to be stacked and layered, the creative possibilities are almost endless. By providing these basic building blocks, the stage is set to build and sculpt entirely unique drum sounds. By combining many different percussive sources, all with unique processing and humanization features such as looseness and random velocity, we've provided a massive set of creative content in the form of multis.

User Interface
The user interface was built to maximize efficiency, and improve workflow. It includes features such as dual band AHDSR mods which are linked to high and low pass filters for surgical sound shaping, a preset system which allows you to save any of the UI settings, and advanced controls which can adjust the dynamic curve, transposition, and pitch of the instrument.

Audio Ollie LA Modern Percussion v1.1 KONTAKT-DECiBEL screenshot
Patch Types
Dynamic Hits - These patches feature an average of 25 dynamic layers mapped across the keyboard from low to high. This unique approach has an extremely low CPU requirement which makes them ideal for layering.

Traditional Hits & Rolls - Your traditional percussion patch with up to 7 dynamics, 9 round robbins, and dynamic rolls controllable via mod wheel. All of the major ensemble types have a traditional hits & roll patch to complement the dynamic hits.

Fills - Small musical performances which were designed to be pieced together to create realistic energetic rhythms. The start times can be adjusted via keyswitch to further customize the fill patterns.

Improvs - Single long improvisational performances which add a looser, more human aspect to your productions. Keys trigger sample start time from low to high.

v1.1 Groove Engine
Our powerful groove engine has taken LA Modern Percussion to all new heights. Featuring four unique sequencer builds, dynamic step modulation, and the ability to assign individual drums to their own keys, you can create evolving, playable patterns. Watch the video above or preview the grooves to the right to learn more.

Requires KONTAKT 5.8 Full +
25 GB
14 Mics
100 + Patches
