Alex Pfeffer SOL KONTAKT太阳吉他合成器

大小:1.26 GB


SOL 包含(在 C 和 G 的键中):

核心 - 为每个键的吉他和弦映射了 26 倍贝司八分音符节奏
旋转 COREds - 52x 干净且失真的吉他 8 分音符节奏循环与每个键的根音符相关
Chromatic Core 和 COREds - 52x 彩色录制的贝斯和失真的吉他 8 分音符节奏和淡出/结尾
Chromosphere - 10 倍失真的高踏板和弦循环
Prominence - 40 倍干净梦幻的吉他琶音和乐句
Flares - 25x 半音 16 分音符八度切碎乐句
Photosphere 文件夹 - 10 倍多采样乐器,从柔和的、床状和钟状的氛围中引导出高于 5800 开尔文的声音
紫外线辐射 - 45 次吉他下潜、划痕、嘶嘶声和其他效果
Rising from the Surface - 24 个强大的音调合成器提升器
Sunsets - 20 倍失真的吉他结尾乐句

所有样本均以 24 位、44.1 KHz 录制
库大小:1.25 GB
您可以完全访问 .wav 循环
至少联系 5.8
Everything revolves around the sun

SOL contains (in the key of C and G):

The Core - 26x bass 8th note rhythm mapped for each key's guitar chords
Revolving COREds - 52x clean and distorted guitar 8th note rhythm loops in relation to each key's root note
Chromatic Core and COREds - 52x chromatically recorded bass and distorted guitar 8th note rhythms and fade-outs/endings
Chromosphere - 10x distorted high pedal chord loops
Prominence - 40x clean and dreamy guitar arpeggios and phrases
Flares - 25x chromatically 16th note octaved shredding phrases
The Photosphere folder - 10x multisample instruments from soft, bed and bell-like atmospheres to lead sounds hotter than 5800 Kelvin
Ultraviolet Emissions - 45x guitar dives, scratches, wooshes, and other fx
Rising from the Surface - 24x mighty tonal synth risers
Sunsets - 20x distorted guitar ending phrases

all samples have been recorded in 24bit, 44.1 KHz
library size: 1.25 GB
you have full access to the .wav loops
at least Kontakt 5.8
