Ueberschall Jazz Works 3 ELASTIK爵士素材卷 3

大小:8.35 GB

爵士作品卷。3 提供了一系列顶级爵士乐曲,可以编排成您自己独特的作品。该系列的第三卷侧重于更悠闲和深夜的情绪,但涵盖了一系列流畅的爵士风格,包括摇摆乐、拉丁爵士乐和爵士民谣。


格式: 橡皮筋
类型: 爵士、流行

9.2 GB,10 个构建套件,859 个扩展循环

爵士作品卷。3 提供了一系列顶级爵士乐曲,可以编排成您自己独特的作品。该系列的第三卷侧重于更悠闲和深夜的情绪,但涵盖了一系列流畅的爵士风格,包括摇摆乐、拉丁爵士乐和爵士民谣。此处的内容还可以轻松过渡到流行、休息室、嘻哈或 LoFi 制作中。Jazz Works 系列包括原声和电钢琴、爵士鼓、立式贝斯、男中音和次中音萨克斯、长笛、flugelhorn、小号和扩展的爵士吉他独奏。午夜过后,您可以想象到最酷的爵士乐俱乐部带来的流畅、直接的音乐氛围。


爵士作品卷。如果您想创作原始而真实的爵士乐,为您的想法做好准备,3 是一个理想的选择。它非常适合希望将完全正宗的悠闲爵士乐曲添加到他们的音乐项目中的词曲作者、音乐制作人或媒体作曲家,无论流派如何。


与系列中的其他卷一样,卷。3 被组织成 10 个庞大的构建套件,包含近 900 个循环和乐句以及超过 9GB 的样本内容。每个构建套件都提供扩展鼓、贝司和伴奏乐器(背衬)以及多种独奏乐器的集合。Kit 速度范围在 60 到 120BPM 之间。表演具有扩展的 16 或 32 个小节,可提供长达一分钟的真实现场感觉。但是,Elastik 强大的样本处理工具集允许您根据音乐项目的需要轻松创建更短的循环,更改速度、音高、调或音阶。素材是用顶级麦克风和 AD/DA 转换器录制的,没有进一步编辑。100%动态-无压缩。



伴奏演奏提供了原声钢琴、电钢琴和电吉他的核心和弦进行。每个套件包括每个乐器的至少三个变体,允许用户灵活地构建歌曲长度安排。所有建筑套件的完整和弦铅板都包含一个 PDF。所有套件还提供多种独奏乐器的组合。每个套件中包含多达 26 个不同的独奏声部。在整个过程中,声音是原始的、真实的并且没有压缩。这种直接、动态的声音让您可以完全控制您的混音决策。


爵士乐作品系列拥有一支才华横溢的音乐团队,其中包括新成员和一些 Ueberschall 常客。音乐阵容包括钢琴演奏者鲍勃·内格尔(Eike Wulfmeier 转录)、竖立贝斯演奏者于尔根·阿蒂格(之前曾演奏过我们的电贝司和其他作品)、鼓手马蒂亚斯·默塞尔(他以前为我们的 Drum Loop 提供了所有鼓)系列),Kai Reuter 的电吉他(他曾在我们的 Electric Guitar Moods 和许多其他作品中演奏),Gary Winters 的小号和flugelhorn(他最近在我们的 Trumpet Solos 库中演奏),Nico Finke 中音萨克斯风(演奏萨克斯管) 2 库)、Nils Brederlow 的男高音萨克斯管和长笛(也是协调远程现场录音会议的专家)和 Andreas Jäger 的爵士独奏吉他(从我们的爵士吉他 2 库中得知)。

Elastik 功能

Elastik 播放器是快速、现代音乐制作的理想工具。Jazz Works 中的所有循环都包含有关调性和速度的信息,使快速搜索和即时歌曲整合变得轻松快捷。ReTune算法允许轻松且以最高质量更改任何音调循环的音调和音阶。所有库都组织在基于属性的浏览器中,并且可以相互混合和匹配。

Elastic Soundbank for Mac & Win - AU / VST / AAX / StandAlone
9.2 GB,10 个构建套件,859 个扩展爵士乐乐句

Jazz Works 3
Smooth Midnight Tunes
Jazz Works Vol. 3 provides a collection of top-class jazz tunes ready to be arranged into your own unique compositions. This third volume of the series focuses on more laid-back and late-night moods but spans a range of smooth jazz styles including Swing, Latin Jazz and Jazz Ballads.

Smooth, after midnight, musical mood direct from the coolest Jazz Club you can imagine.

GENRE: Jazz, Pop

9.2 GB, 10 Construction Kits, 859 extended Loops

Elastik Videos
Jazz Works Vol. 3
Jazz Works Vol. 3 provides a collection of top-class jazz tunes ready to be arranged into your own unique compositions. This third volume of the series focuses on more laid-back and late-night moods but spans a range of smooth jazz styles including Swing, Latin Jazz and Jazz Ballads. The content here could also easily cross-over into Pop, Lounge, Hip-Hop or LoFi productions. The Jazz Works Series includes acoustic and electric pianos, Jazz drums, upright bass, baritone and tenor saxophone, flute, flugelhorn, trumpet and extended Jazz guitar solos. Smooth, after midnight, musical mood direct from the coolest Jazz Club you can imagine.

Authentic Late-Night Jazz Styles

Jazz Works Vol. 3 is an ideal choice if you want to create raw and authentic jazz, ready for your ideas. It is perfect for songwriters, music producers, or media composers looking to add totally authentic laid-back jazz tunes into their musical projects, whatever the genre.

Extended Performance Options In A Powerful Format

As with the other volumes in the series, Vol. 3 is organized into 10 massive construction kits, with nearly 900 loops and phrases and over 9GB of sample content. Each of the construction kits offers collections of extended drum, bass and comping instruments (backings) plus multiple solo instruments. Kit tempos range between 60 and 120BPM. Performances feature extended 16 or 32 bar phrases for a genuine live feel with a length of up to one minute. However, Elastik’s powerful sample manipulation toolset allows you to easily create shorter loops, change tempo, pitch, key or scale, as your musical project requires. The material has been recorded with top-class microphones and AD/DA converters and was not edited any further. 100% dynamics - no compression.

Top-Class Playing Matched By Pristine Audio

Within each construction kit, alongside the pre-mixed drum loops, some combination of individual loops of also provided. These include kick (inside and out mic), snare (top and bottom mic), hi-hat, cymbals toms, overheads and room, allowing for full control over the drum mix for your project. For the upright bass, a minimum of three different phrase/performance options are provided, with premixed, microphone and piezo recordings available in each case.

The comping performances provide the core chord progression on acoustic piano, electric piano and electric guitar. Each kit includes a minimum of three variations of each instrument allowing the user flexibility in building a song-length arrangement. A PDF is included with full chord lead sheets for all the construction kits. All of the kits also provide a combination of multiple solo instruments. Up to 26 different solo parts are included within each kit. Throughout, the sound is pristine, authentic and presented without compression. This direct, dynamic, sound gives you full control over your mix decisions.


The Jazz Works Series features an incredibly talented musical team featuring newcomers and a number of Ueberschall regulars. The musical line-up includes Bob Nagel on piano (Transcription by Eike Wulfmeier), Jürgen Attig on upright bass (who previously played on our Electric Bass and other titles), Matthias Meusel on drums (who previously supplied all the drums for our Drum Loop Series), Kai Reuter on electric guitar (who played on our Electric Guitar Moods and many other titles), Gary Winters on trumpet and flugelhorn (who recently played on our Trumpet Solos library), Nico Finke on baritone saxophone (who played on the Saxophone 2 library), Nils Brederlow on tenor saxophone and flute (also an expert on coordinating remote live recording sessions) and Andreas Jäger on the Jazz Solo Guitar (known from our Jazz Guitar 2 library). The whole band delivers virtuoso performances, full of feel, emotion and expression so we can give you world-class jazz at your fingertips in a sample library format.

Elastik Features

The Elastik player is the ideal tool for fast, modern music production. All loops in Jazz Works include information on key and tempo, making fast searches and immediate song-integration quick and easy. The ReTune algorithm allows changing the key and scale of any tonal loop with ease and at highest quality. All libraries are organized in an attribute based browser and can be mixed and matched with each other.

Genre: Jazz
Elastik Soundbank for Mac & Win - AU/VST/AAX/StandAlone
9.2 GB, 10 Construction Kits, 859 extended Jazz Loop Phrases
