F9 Audio SOL V2 Sunset Guitar Feat Robin Boult DELUXE (2.2GB)尼龙民谣吉他采样套装

F9 Audio自豪地推出:SOL Vol2 –日落吉他,具有罗宾·博尔特(Robin Boult)的演奏才能。 SOL V2是令人惊叹的巴利阿里系列西班牙尼龙吉他套环独奏和乐句,完美融合了不到1Gig的Chilled out Music,Drums和FX,向30年的阳光灿烂的Downtempo音乐致敬。


使用Neumann M147阀麦克风,API 512 + Neve 1081,通过HCL阀压缩机,SSL EQ和GML 8900 Dynamics控制器完美地记录到Apogee Symphony接口中,可以确保完美地记录下来,以确保这些回路跳到生产的最前端但在绑引线时,不要感到处理过度或变脆。在此发行版中,我们创建了许多扩展的吉他循环音频文件,其中一些文件的长度超过8小节,以便轻松进行独奏创建和分层

收到F9客户群的反馈后,我们在6个音频演示中加入了您能听到的所有声音,使该产品组合更加优美,我们竭尽所能为Robin的尼龙独奏和节奏声部提供完美的声音伴奏。为了提供所需的温暖和真实性,我们从原始设备和古董设备中购买了音乐部件,包括TR-808,Jupiter 8,Hohner Pianet,Juno 60,Prophet 6,Fender Jazz贝斯,并使用世界上最好的软件进行了扩充。

精美绝伦的巴利阿里风格的尼龙吉他套环,独奏和乐句,以及略低于1G的冰冷音乐,鼓和FX混合音源来自原始808,Jupiter 8,Hohner Pianet Juno 106 Prophet 6 Fender爵士贝斯和世界上最好的软件。
请注意–此发行版的Kontakt部分需要完整版本的Kontakt –无法与免费Kontakt Player一起正常使用

WAV Pack规格:
386 24位尼龙民谣吉他循环
206 24位音乐,鼓和FX循环
105鼓+ FX声音
Ableton Live 9.5 +(套件+标准版)豪华版规格:
386 24位尼龙民谣吉他循环
24个Tempo Locked Live机架,带有1035个预先映射的单独样本
需要完整版Kontakt 5.2.4+)
206 24位音乐,鼓和FX循环
105鼓+ FX声音

F9 Audio SOL V2: Sunset Guitar Feat. Robin Boult

F9 Audio is proud to present : SOL Vol2 – Sunset Guitar featuring the virtuoso talents of Robin Boult . SOL V2 is a stunningly Balearic collection of Spanish nylon guitar loops Solos and phrases perfectly complemented by just under 1Gig of Chilled out Music, Drums and FX that pays homage to 30 years of sun blissed Downtempo music.

It’s hard to think any any instrument that feels more at home in the world’s sunset bars than the solo Spanish guitar as It’s sound instantly places you around the Southern parts of Europe’s coastline or the around the fascinating lands of South America. Robin’s playing has been on cycle in these bars since the release of his Itch project and we are very lucky to have secured this extensive collection of recordings for the production community.

Perfectly recorded using a Neumann M147 Valve mic , API 512 + Neve 1081 passing via an HCL Valve compressor, SSL EQ and GML 8900 Dynamics controller into an Apogee Symphony Interface every care has been taken to make sure these loops jump to the front of your production but don’t feel over-processed or brittle when laking the lead. For this release we have created many extended guitar loop audio files, some more than 8 bars long allowing for easy solo creation and layering

After feedback from the F9 Customer base we have included every sound you can hear in the 6 Audio demos that grace this pack and we have gone all out to provide a perfect sonic accompaniment to Robin’s nylon solo and rhythm parts . To provide the warmth and authenticity needed we have sourced the musical parts from an original and vintage equipment including a TR-808, Jupiter 8, Hohner Pianet, Juno 60, Prophet 6, Fender Jazz bass and augmented by the world’s best software.

A stunningly Balearic collection of Nylon Guitar loops, Solos and phrases mixed with just under 1Gig of Chilled out Music, Drums and FX sourced from an original 808, Jupiter 8, Hohner Pianet Juno 106 Prophet 6 Fender Jazz bass and the world’s best software.
Deluxe DAW Editions contain 24 Menu Patches with every riff and strummed part pre-chopped up and laid across the Keyboard . The Kontakt versions of these patches will lock to your project tempo . These patches use 1035 individual Nylon Guitar riff samples
Far more than 1 or 2 bar loops – It is possible to build entire solos using this pack
Extended Solo Loops
Please note – the Kontakt part of this release requires a full version of Kontakt – It will not work correctly with the Free Kontakt Player

WAV Pack Specs:
386 24bit Nylon Acoustic Guitar loops
206 24 Bit Music, Drum and FX loops
105 Drum + FX Sounds
395 RX2 loops
Full PDF Manual
Ableton Live 9.5 + ( Suite + Standard ) Deluxe edition Specs:
386 24bit Nylon Acoustic Guitar loops
24 Tempo Locked Live racks with 1035 individual samples pre-key mapped
Full Kontakt Library 24 Instruments + Custom GUI (
Full version of Kontakt 5.2.4+ required )
206 24 Bit Music, Drum and FX loops
105 Drum + FX Sounds
Full PDF Manual
