Musical Sampling Boutique Drums Ruby KONTAKT红宝石经典鼓

大小:8.65 GB

• 由布赖恩·斯科金策划的全鼓套件(铸造皇冠)
• 踢, 圈套, 十字棒, 边缘, 三个汤姆斯, 骑 (与碰撞), 骑铃, 两个崩溃, hihats, 同步现场 hihat 凹槽 (三个记录的节奏 = 90 / 120 / 140 Bpm)
• 触发所有 8 个混音的 2 个预设
• 简单直观的混合界面
• 八个可互换的"烘焙"混合预设
• 所有游乐设施/高帽样品的重复采样
• 实时在 90 / 120 / 140 Bpm 录制的第八音符高帽槽, 与您的 Daw 的节奏同步
• 可交叉的高帽槽(在五种不同的高帽状态之间褪色;从紧到全开)
• 凹槽速度控制(半/普通/双)
• 可调人性化功能(关闭/紧/自然/松散)
• 每个鼓组的可分配 Kontakt 输出
• 需要完整的零售版 Kontakt 5.8.1 或更高版本
• 不支持免费 Kontakt 播放器
• 以 48khz / 24 位录制
• 8.6 GB 压缩 NCW 格式
• 通过连续连接下载器接收水印产品

Ruby 是我们精品鼓系列的第一个版本。我们咨询了我们的鼓手布赖恩·斯科金(铸造皇冠)谁策划了一个工具包,由真正的精品鼓件为这个版本。我们还选择在佐治亚州格里芬的 Hey Hey Studios 录制其出色的声学和工程;一个非凡的空间,提供房间和性格的雅得平衡。

八种混音都是使用硬件和软件的处理工具从零开始的。我们选择在 Kontakt 之外开发预设,以提供我们认为具有正确冲孔、平衡和氛围的精确混合,同时提供足够的空间来很好地处理其他处理。


我们包括五种不同的高帽状态的多采样和活的第八音符槽,自动锁定到您的DAW的节奏:紧,正常,轻微开放,中开和全开;在 90/120/140 BPM 时记录的凹槽。

我们还开发了我们认为是第一个 - 交叉淡淡的喜帽槽与释放触发器。随着模轮下来, 它会发挥循环在它最紧的喜帽状态。当你把模轮向上推时,高帽打开。很酷

What's Included:
• Full drum kit curated by Brian Scoggin (Casting Crowns)
• Kick, snare, cross stick, rimshot, three toms, ride (with crash), ride bell, two crashes, hihats, synced live hihat grooves (three recorded tempos – 90 / 120 / 140 BPM)
• Trigger 2 presets for all eight mixes
• Simple and intuitive mix interface
• Eight interchangeable “baked-in” mix presets
• Repetition sampling for all rides/hi-hat samples
• Live eighth-note hi-hat grooves recorded at 90 / 120 / 140 BPM that sync to your DAW’s tempo
• Crossfadeable hi-hat grooves (fades between five different hi-hat states; from tight to all-open)
• Groove Speed control (Half/Normal/Double)
• Adjustable Humanization feature (Off/Tight/Natural/Loose)
• Assignable Kontakt outputs for each drum group
• Requires full retail version of Kontakt 5.8.1 or higher
• Free Kontakt Player NOT supported
• Recorded in 48khz / 24bit
• 8.6 GB compressed NCW format
• Receive watermarked product by Continuata Connect downloader

Ruby is the first release of our Boutique Drums series. We consulted with our drummer Brian Scoggin (Casting Crowns) who curated a kit comprised of truly boutique drum pieces for this release. We also chose to record at Hey Hey Studios in Griffin, Georgia for it’s outstanding acoustics and engineering; a remarkable space providing a tasteful balance of both room and character.

Each of the eight mixes were created from scratch using an arsenal of processing tools, both hardware and software. We chose to develop the presets outside of Kontakt to deliver what we felt were precision mixes with the right amount of punch, balance and vibe while providing just enough headroom to treat well to additional processing.

Under the hood, Ruby also alternates between two different sets of hi-hat/ride multisamples; depending on how quickly you hit successive notes for the given articulation. The initial hit triggers the isolated sample while subsequent hits trigger repetition samples.

We’ve included five different hi-hat states of multisamples and live eighth-note grooves that automatically lock to your DAW’s tempo: tight, normal, slight-open, mid-open and all-open; grooves recorded at 90/120/140 BPM.

We’ve also developed what we consider to be a first — crossfadeable hi-hat grooves with release triggers. With the modwheel down, it’ll play the loop at it’s tightest hi-hat state. As you push the modwheel up, the hi-hat opens up. It’s pretty dang cool.
